Test Network


The Matrix testnet is a network independent of the Matrix mainnet. It is primarily used to test user experience improvements and conduct other testing. The Matrix testnet is version-consistent with the Matrix Mainnet; meaning that the testnet has the same feature set as the current Matrix mainnet. This manual describes how to create a new Basic Node or staked Masternode. It also outlines how to access the Matrix AI Network testnet as well as various stake methods and processes for Mining and Verification Masternodes.

Applying for Testnet Tokens

  • You can visit the following address to apply for test currency. You can apply for 1001 man at the same IP up to 10 times a day.

    Address: https://manapply.matrix.io

  • If you need more than that, please send email to matrix_testnet@matrix.io, and fill in your man address and application amount . We will transfer the money for you within 2 days.

Testnet and Mainnet Connection Differences

The main connection differences between the testnet and the mainnet are list below. Other procedural steps can be found in the Matrix mainnet manual.

Browser and Wallet

Testnet browser address: https://jerry.matrix.io
Testnet Web Wallet address: https://wallettest.matrix.io

Client Files

Mainnet and testnet clients are different. Both are available for download on github.
The mainnet client can be found at:


The testnet client can be found at:


Launch Command

When launching the testnet gman, the networkid parameter differs from the mainnet command. The mainnet is networkid 1. The testnet is networkid 3. The testnet requires the following command:

gman.exe --datadir ./chaindata --networkid 3 --debug --verbosity 1 --gcmode archive --outputinfo 1 --syncmode full